한국 시대
긴급 속보

24 hours in Weihai WIP

Weihai WIP
Industries as base
Youth and Friendly
Young and Vitality
Openness and Inclusiveness
Livable and Appropriate
Exquisite and Happiness
Comprehend WIP 24 hours
Eternal love for this city
24 hours in WIP
寅时3:00-5:00 am Birds singing in the dawn
卯时5:00-7:00 am The city wakes at sunrise
辰时7:00-9:00 am fitness with vitality
巳时9:00-11:00 am Technological Innovation to develop the economy
午时11:00-13:00pm Happiness dinning hall in full coverage
未时13:00-15:00 pm Enjoy life with a cultural feast
申时15:00-17:00 pm Wandering in pavilions and courts
酉时17:00-19:00 pm Pleasant time with friends
戌时19:00-21:00pm Peaceful Life with gentle time
亥时21:00-23:00 pm Chow down in night banquet
子时23:00-01:00 am Splendid lights in the long night
丑时01:00-03:00 am Look up at the starry sky, Mountains and rivers are like dreams

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